Tuesday, September 20, 2011

1.2 Collecting Data

The will be three main things taken down for each customer who enters our system. One will be a customer number which will be a unique series of number. Each customer will be given a card that will have the number printed onto it just in case the customer forgets their number. Another piece of information that will be put into our system will be background information such as medical history or place of employment. This will be mostly for our doctors use. For example if a customer is allergic to a certain chemical our doctor will make sure that the medicine that they write a prescription for does not contain that chemical. Also if someone for example is having back problems and works for a company that requires them to do manual labor, the doctor can write a note to excuse that person from work. We will also take down our customers' social security number just to make sure the person who comes into our office is who they say they are.

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