Sunday, October 23, 2011

5.1 Competitor's E-Commerce

These are the 6 rules

Rule 1 : The Website Should Offer Something Unique
Rule 2 : The Website Should be aesthetically pleasing
Rule 3 : The Website Must be easy to use and fast
Rule 4 : The Website must motivate people to visit
Rule 5 : You must advertise your presence on the web
Rule 6 : You should learn from your website

I chose Carilion Clinic as a competitor.

I gave them a rating of 4 out of 5 for rule 1 because of the alphabetical word search on the page. I gave them a rating of 5 out of 5 for rule 2 because it has different color schemes. For rule 3 I give them a rating of 5 out of 5 because it is easy navigate around the page. For rule 4 I give them a rating of 2 out of 5 because the website is somewhat dull. For rule 5 I give them a 4 out of 5 because they advertise well. For rule 6 I give them a 2 out of 5 because you don't learn much from their website.

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